I'm just Me...

Life cAn Be Simple....

Monday 9 January 2012

My lovely little white apple...

2 weeks before I was kidnaped by a idiot Malay thief !!!! My 1st ever robbery case which is happened on me.. What a unlucky day n year I hv been through.. Anyways.. It was passed.. :D welcuming for my year ~ oh ya.. Is my year!!!! I'm dragon girl here~~~ I'm sure, this year will be my lucky n good year!! Cheers~~~ <3.. ( anyway, I love my little white apple so much, n nw I'm blogging with my little little white as well..) :D

Tuesday 3 January 2012


不能平蘅的心情。。。 我很不甘心!!。。怎么会是这样的??不被重视的感觉真的很遭膏!!。。 原来我是那么被无视的。。 很好,又一次的看重自己的地位了。。。 看来我又做了个路人。。 对自己说!!。。 我永远都会对自己好好的,犯贱的自己。。。 看来真的应该好好想想那个对自己好的人~ 所谓被爱永远是幸福的嘛~~~ =)))