被遗忘 的部落各~~。。。
好久都每根新我的部落各啦。。 都怪自己太忙和懒的关系~~ =。。= 2011 最后一天, 选责了呆在家里面对这电脑~ 原因是因为没心情出~ =( 。。 对不起,海绵宝宝~ 。。 =‘( 我真的很内疚。。。 你有一点点怪我的意识吗???
来到了2011 的最后一天了。。。。 回想今年的一切, 还真是多姿多彩啊~ 年头的时后,我还自认为是个幸福小女人的说~ 一天到晚都死不要脸的想大家炫耀我的幸福。。。 然而,一切都只是个假象。。 庆幸的是,当中,我认识了许多新朋友~。。
陈嘉欣~ 。。。 甜美的三个字。。。 还记得第一次见到我的小烧卖就觉得她好亲切,好小一只哦~ 回去后偷偷看了她面子书,跟加的觉得她好可爱啊。。怎么一点也不象哥哥~?? 还记得当时很想加她,想想~还是不要了,这么可爱的女生万一她不加我,下次见面怎么好?? 哈哈哈。。 怎么知道, 不知过了多久, 我的小烧卖尽然加我了。。。 开心万分的说~~ =DD
( 这些你都不知吧?=D)..
大概从那时后开始,我们也开始了假假熟落到最后的真真熟起来~ 这就是我们的友情~。。 还记得在我最难过的时候,陪在我身边的你,给于我勇气的你,担心我万分的你,为我抱不平的你。。。 谢谢你,亲爱的小烧卖嘉欣妹妹~~~ <3
曾经的我,真的以为。。 真爱出现了~ 毫无保留的爱这你。。然而换来的是你残忍的对待。。 没关系,这一切,我接受!!。。 =)) 。。 不会怪你,恨你, 因为。。 我心中早以放开了。。 你也不存在我的世界了。。
不幸的是, 最近我的心。。有点乱。。 海绵宝宝弄乱了我??? 。。 我不想这样, 因为我知道,我们没可能。。是我想太多。。 尽然是这样, 我就不想再做些不应该的事了。。 新的一年也应该要好好控制自己了。。 我能吗/?? 你的体贴,温柔,关心。。。将会收在我心里。。。
I'm just Me...
Life cAn Be Simple....
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Friday, 2 December 2011
好久好久都没更新了。。 最近好像真的变懒了~~ 怎么会这样~~@@ 。。 生日都过了,呵呵~ 迟些一定扑回啊~~ =) 。。 最近,都忙着新工做的事情~~ 好开心啊, 那么难得~~ 我终于挤进去啦~~ 一定要对自己说加油!!!。。。
最近,自己觉得好像有点过分~ 在于做人处事方面。。 唉。。。。。 真是要不得~ 一切都是为了想要好好保护自己。。。 有时候也有想过,或许我可以懦弱点,将一切交个可以照顾我的人。。这样,就不用烦啦。。 可是。。 脑里又有很多可是。。。。
希望当个事业女性。。。!!! 这一方面, 我还是没变~~ =) 。。。 加油!!!!!
最近,自己觉得好像有点过分~ 在于做人处事方面。。 唉。。。。。 真是要不得~ 一切都是为了想要好好保护自己。。。 有时候也有想过,或许我可以懦弱点,将一切交个可以照顾我的人。。这样,就不用烦啦。。 可是。。 脑里又有很多可是。。。。
希望当个事业女性。。。!!! 这一方面, 我还是没变~~ =) 。。。 加油!!!!!
Sunday, 20 November 2011
日子一天一天过, 又是年尾了,而本姑娘的生日也快到了。。 等待之心, 又是期待又是抗拒。。 今年会是个怎样的过呢?? 假如, 那一天只是个平凡的一天。。 也不错?? =) 。
话说, 虽然还没到那一天, 可我也享受了甜蜜温馨的假日~ =) <3
星期六晚,和海绵宝宝吃了一顿丰富的晚餐~ 也算是帮我提早过生日~ =)。。"Ozeki" 位于KLCC 附近的一座建筑屋底楼~~ 本来说要吃'Chilis' 的, 在于太多人的缘故。。 饿鬼两人组, 还是决定放弃排队。。而改换日本料理。。。
价钱不扉的一餐。。随燃说本姑娘也吃遍许多家日本料理,但是进到这一家。。 还真不知怎样下手。。 =。。= ~~~
最终,点了这一份~。。 普通且价钱还可以的 chicken tepanyaki set.. 味道还正不错的说。。 =))。。 (海面宝宝, 虽然说是帮我过生日, 可我还不是那么好意识叫太贵,你就不要嫌我像aunty了~==)。。
海面宝宝的 tempura set??? .. 正的非常不错, 还有一堆的饭。。。 哈哈哈哈, 可以吃得饱~。。 =的。 (会这么说是因为当还没发现原来里面有饭时,本姑娘正的觉得很不划算!!! 这一点小东西,不便宜又吃不饱!!。 是我才不会点的说!还好过后发现炸物下有一堆的饭,shashimi 下也有!哈哈。。)
贪心的海绵宝宝,怕吃不够!!。。 unagi sushi~~~ 味道还可以, 可是就输给了‘一心’。。 位于 ' jln kelang lama' 旁的banglo hse。。 价钱也贵一倍!!! ==。。。 这一份 RM 58 ~~~
晚饭后的我们, 难得出来嘛~当然也不想那么快回啦~。。 2nd round去咯~~~... =DDD..
Over time来也~~~。。。顶这超饱的肚子。。。 喝下了啤酒。。。~~~真有点不舒服~~~。。 =(。喝了两大杯下肚。。。 也有点晕了, 也只好投项了~~ 。。。 和海绵宝宝聊天, 有时候真的很气人!!! 可是都有点习惯了, 只不过。。。 你就不能赞我一下吗?? 让我开心下也好~~=..= ~
无可否认的, 和你聊天。。 也是最自然, 最舒服的~~ =)。。
酒疯后, 半夜2.ooam 我们去了附近的肉骨茶当口。。 真是 ‘巅疯’ 的一天啊~~~ ··、@@.. 这一天很快便结束了~~ 一个开心,温馨,甜蜜,满足的预告生日~~ 谢谢海绵宝宝~~ =))). <3..
接下来的美丽星期天又来啦~~。。 一早就和家人吃了点心~~。。 =)。。。 在于本人还在宿醉当中, 所以也吃不下这些美好的食物~~~。。 =((( 。。
黄家 ‘四眼’ 三兄妹~~~ =D ~~
过后,中午和沈嘉恩还有黄慧芬吃中餐 ~~。。 哈哈,本姑娘可没有姐姐或妹妹哦~~ 真的那么巧的,我们的名字就差那一个字~~~ =) 。。。。 他们很有心的安排了和我提早庆生~~~ 感动~~=') .. 真的有想过, 或许今年我将会一个人过生日的。。
黄慧芬 ~~
第一次吃的 TGI Friday ~~~... =DDD 也不错吃哦~~~ 呵呵~~~
芬芬买给我的小蛋糕哦~~~~ 这个好!!!! ^^.. ' 'strawberry cheese cake' ....
快到圣诞了~~~ 当然要应应节咯~~~
*** 我。。。。希望有个甜蜜圣诞*****
yan yan芬芬 ~~~ 谢谢你们~~ 帮我过个早来的生日~~。。 =) 。。海绵宝宝。。 也谢谢你, 让我有个温馨愉快的提早生日夜晚~~~ =)
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Sorry papa, sorry mama...
Is quite sometimes that i felt that, i'm not being a good daughter.. Is 11.01pm now, facing my lappie and typing out some of my 'words' in my heart.. I still remember that, when i was young, i would like to stick with my papa and talked with him. Follow behind him, seated beside him, i was a 100% sticky 'papa daughter' .. i do love him so much, proud of him.. because i felt that, i gt a super papa.. A papa who won't said not to me..
'I love u', 'I miss u'.. are always out form my sweetness mouth.. A big huggies, gd nite kissed, gd bye kissed are as usual.. But... is changed... all are changes.. the distance between me and my papa is getting far and far.. i have no idea since when this happened.. When everyone talked bout i'm da princess for my papa, silent mode turn on for me. I just felt that, is no more like previous time.. I no more stick with him, shopping alone with him, talk with him, tell him bout my sadness, tell him my needed, my wish. Now.. i just like to be quite.. ~ just because i'm growled?
Maybe, i too sensitive on it.. I do felt that, papa was extremely disappointed toward me.. In this stage, i have no career, i have no any ability to show him, i'm single, i'm nothing. As before, he told me.. wana be his daughter is not easily, he want his daughter to be somebody, but nt no body. Form this statement.. i do agree.!!! I wish too... Since da last failure, which is i broke my relationship.. My self confident was seriously decreasing, although they are still numbers of admirer. But for me, they all are just passing by my life.
Life are short!! i need appreciate every moment.. Sadness, Happiness, good and bad... i knew, must cherish it. Somehow, say is always easy than action. Coming soon of my bday, i'm 23 years.. !! YES!!! i'm officially 23!!!.. and soon 24, 25 and what m i in d end???? Lets see... Keeping moving forward is always the keys of success.!! This year.. Felt that, my bday is just a day.. just a normal day. =) ...
Monday, 14 November 2011
M3 @ Semi short hair.....
New life, new begin??
Without make up.. I'm just a ordinary gal..
Finally, i had cut my long hair!! .. Here i'm , a semi short hair gal with brownies hair color~ =))) A brand new me?? M wonder?
Da last picha with my long hair.~ ***
Historical MoMent~~~ "Kacha"..!!
Friendship over 15 years...~~~ Esther Bu~~... =)))
Is my 2nd time been "Over Time"~~ Same as last time, get a free drinks again~ hahahha.. Is a happy thingy, i can save costs in drinking!!! In da nite, i had drink 2 n half pin..!!! =))
3 of da guys in da picha is who treated us beer~~ Thanks stranger... =)
4 ladies in 'Over Time" 11.11.11
In da next day~~ meet my dearest ex classmate. J-YIn~..
"Oleh- Oleh Bali'
Bernard right face~~~~
Environemt of 'Oleh Oleh Bali"~~~
My drinks ~~ Lemon grass macito ~~@@.
FReshie Pearl & Freshie Lemon grass drink~
Bali style chicken.. super nice !!!! ***** stars... !!
Mix seafood !!! Yum Yum YUm !!!! ***** stars!!!!
'pisang bakar with vanila ice cram' os not wat v ordered..
"pisang bakar with choc ice-cream' is wat i ordered..
Nite time, celebrate Alicia chan bday ~~
Bday gal & her bf~~.. so sisweettt ~<3.. i guess is a unforgettable bday nite for her..
Tiramisu cake bought form me... compare to da cake bought by her bf.. reli ~~~=____= .. reli.. 'mempersialsuikan' ..= x = ..
My days end up with warmness bday songs~~ i get da warmness form her party.. and yet.. started to dream.. hopes is another sweet n warmness bday for me in my single life... ~
Without make up.. I'm just a ordinary gal..
Finally, i had cut my long hair!! .. Here i'm , a semi short hair gal with brownies hair color~ =))) A brand new me?? M wonder?
Da last picha with my long hair.~ ***
Historical MoMent~~~ "Kacha"..!!
And finally!!!.. Become semi short hair gal~ =).. have o regret to make this decision.. While, in da process, no doubt, i do worry bout last result.. Afraid will be ugly so much~~! @v@.. *** But da result showed, i'm suit to short hair.. !!! =DD.. N~.. i also love it so much, my new style.
Step to the date 11.11.11 ~ which was i expected so long before, and yet.. i fears to face also.. Now, it's over.. everything is over... =).. Unbelievable, da tears is stopped.. In da past, it was cheer my life up, it was everything for me, disappointed me, and now, it become part of my life.. Is my experience??.. @@?
Cherish and appreciate whatever i have right now.. I might still a little potato, no any bright future, career, lifeless, lack of social knowledge... Time is not waiting us, in fact, i know i need be mature thinking and think as far as can.. i will do~~.. !! Hopes nv get disappointment to all of my frens and family.. =)
Friendship over 15 years...~~~ Esther Bu~~... =)))
Another Sagittarius~~.. But, her characteristic is totally opposite side with me.. She is a super straight forward people in talks, open mind set which will take care her self well, realistic people who won let her self get hurt, crazy in party time to have fun with me, can easily handle every sadness or emotional thingy, sumtimes may over playful, but yet.. caring and take care me alot..
Is my 2nd time been "Over Time"~~ Same as last time, get a free drinks again~ hahahha.. Is a happy thingy, i can save costs in drinking!!! In da nite, i had drink 2 n half pin..!!! =))
3 of da guys in da picha is who treated us beer~~ Thanks stranger... =)
Btw, i'm still clear with mindset, dislike social in this way.. Chit-Chating during da nite is ok for me, social and answering those lame is ok. Bt, say no!!! for further contact~~~.. For me, guys who noe gals in this way, just for simply targeting and fulfill their bored nite.. Sorry to say so, just my little opinion.. and yet, i get benefit for free drinks n also a fun crazy nite.. =D ..
Nowdays, seems like all of my closer friends complaining my admirer is increasing~~ how cum?? haha.. i also dono..~@@.. MAyb, god is seeing me.. giving sumthing to cheerful me?? haha.. i'm charming?? i can't feel it~ =___= ... I hopes i'm... In future, i believe i can !!! Be da prettier !!
4 ladies in 'Over Time" 11.11.11
In da next day~~ meet my dearest ex classmate. J-YIn~..
My closer fren during uni time.. v hang over bkt jalil, sri.petaling, kuchai lama, and also mid valley during break time.. skip classes togather.. discussion, msn, sms, chit chating.. Is my Uni life.. =).. I miss so much during uni life.. reli.. so so much.. A gal who understand me well, noe me well, always giving da best suggestion to me.. which might not a correct way, but is suit to me!!. da only 1 who catches up all my love story during my uni life.. ~~~
"Oleh- Oleh Bali'
Sunday~ 13 of nov.. went to sunway piramid with Bernard ~.. always take k me so well... =) .. Bring me to tried up some new dished.. 'Bali foods" ... my comment toward this new tried.~ nice!!!! beeps!!!.. i enjoyed it!! ..
Environemt of 'Oleh Oleh Bali"~~~
My drinks ~~ Lemon grass macito ~~@@.
FReshie Pearl & Freshie Lemon grass drink~
Bali style chicken.. super nice !!!! ***** stars... !!
Mix seafood !!! Yum Yum YUm !!!! ***** stars!!!!
'pisang bakar with vanila ice cram' os not wat v ordered..
"pisang bakar with choc ice-cream' is wat i ordered..
Outting with Bernard, is always enjoyable... always bring me tried out a lot dished that i never eat before.. gentlemen, caring, is my perspective toward him.. help me take of seafood shell, take oli chicken meat for my convenient.. felt so warm to care by sumone.. altot is not my who.. =)..
BaBy Yannie!!! i wana bring u to try out all da nice food!!!.. <3 <3 <3.. da 1st people in my mind when i tried out all new~~ <3 Most important person for me <3 .. cherrish u so much my baby siew mai~~~ =))).. adi become part of my family ~~~ <3..
Nite time, celebrate Alicia chan bday ~~
Bday gal & her bf~~.. so sisweettt ~<3.. i guess is a unforgettable bday nite for her..
Around 22 ppl in da japaness buffet restaurant ~~.. a suprising and lovely bday nite.. i can felt da warmness form her family and bf. her present form bf is a air tiket to langkawi ~~ a suprising 'Heagendaz ice cream cake' ~~ a sweetness bday card.. full of wishes..
Tiramisu cake bought form me... compare to da cake bought by her bf.. reli ~~~=____= .. reli.. 'mempersialsuikan' ..= x = ..
My days end up with warmness bday songs~~ i get da warmness form her party.. and yet.. started to dream.. hopes is another sweet n warmness bday for me in my single life... ~
Thursday, 10 November 2011
终于踏入期待以旧的11.11.11. ~~~~ 相当特别的一天~ 一年前的今天可是个非常甜蜜的一天哦。。 虽然, 今天却变成普通的一天~ 没关系, 我还是会过的很开心的~~ =))。。 好好的过我的每一天, 人生短短几十年~。。 一眨眼,就过了~。。 谢谢你。。 过去了, 我不怪,不恨,不怨,。。。
开心的度过每一天, 是我现在所希望的。。 。。。
我依然期待。。。 而也唯有等待。。。
一天。。。。 幸福的一天~
Girls are like apples on trees..
The best ones are at the top of the tree.
The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples from ground that aren't as good, but easy.
So, the apples at the top think something is wrong with them,when in reality,
they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along,
the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
想说,什么时候我才勇于争取自己想要的呢??? 我想要自己选择将来的路~。。 虽然不知是不是错的 ,我就是想试。。。 在于这是你想要的。。。我也只好接受了~ 很难过,又如何?? 我就是不敢说不,不想令人失望~。。
也许,我会偷偷的慢慢的寻找自己想要的吧~。。时间,容许我这样做吗?终于~踏入11月了,各位11月宝宝~生日快乐。。。 心知,如果可以。。 可以不要有11月吗?终于到了。。 有点害怕。。 每天,都想不要有黄昏,不要有夜晚,不要有星星,那样天亮的黎明就不会到来。。
真正的原因是什么??? 我怎么会这样???
你知道吗?我。。很坚强~~~。。。 =))))。。
跟你们说。。 我都可以自己面对。。
心中的话。。 应该永远不必说,放在里面。。
真的。。我很坚强。。 =))
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Hello Sunday~~
Hello Sunday~~~~.... hopes that every1 is enjoying end of weeks~
MY simple sunday ~ Brunch at Levain again~... Croissant & Salad + Earl grey~.. = Freshie brunch to started up my day~....
Went to Pavilion, window shop and chit chating with fren to make sure my Sunday is not alone~... Passed by those shop, and~ OMG!!!shopaholic again!!!... But this time i was successfully control to buy~... Most of da time, just window shop~... =)...
Dono since when ~ i like to hugs you~.. smell you ~ Picha with you~ My Bear~.. Just for me.. <3
10 years long hair ~... Decided to cut it soon~... Dono how i look with short hair???
Unclear mind set.~~ keep confusing me.. decided!!! yet, i scared to meet the answer which is not i want. Btw, i'm still me...
****Happy Halloween ******
MaKan MaKan at Jln Alor~~~
Went to Jln Alor..~ My 1st time been there~.. @v@ .. a street which full of local food.. Variety of food... ~~~ Another fattening night for me.. Against~.. MISSION FAILED !!!.. T__T Admit that, i really love food so much.~~ THinking~ Next time if can, i wish come along with my love 1~ enjoy all the food there..
' Pearly' Tissue for Pearlene ~~ =D
Yummy BBQ Chicken wings~~~ **** STAR !!!.. =DDD
BBQ Ikan Pari ~~.. ***** 4 STAR!!! = DD
Steam lala ~~ *** hmm~~ 3 STAR !!!..
Saw a Panda 'TAU FU FA' Stall.. ~
~ bought a cold 'tau fu fa' with brown sugar~.. not bad.. 4 STAR!!****
~ The Happening Street ~~... JLN ALOR~~
'Yau yu with Kangkung~~ ..~ ThumBs Up.~ 4 STAR!!.. ****
Fruits Rojak ~.. 5 STAR~~!!!! ********
THis rojak, i found out the ingredient is abit different with the 1 v always ate in others place... And taste is really good.. ~ <3 <3 <3.. My sunday end up with 'makan makan' at Jln Alor ~..
~ Pearl life ~. just simple...
~ Involve in some happinese stuff~..
~ enjoy all da moment~...
~ AND ....................
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